Orgasm And Heart Conditions

Oct 05, 2017

Q: Can women of mature age experience lack of orgasm due to coronary artery problems?

First, I want to make the point that it’s been clearly established  that erectile dysfunction is an early warning signs of heart disease–so much so that I would urge any person who has experienced a sudden change in their erectile capacity to consult a doctor immediately. Changes in erectile capacity very often precede a heart attack by 3-5 years. It’s not just a sex problem, it’s a health problem, and taking swift action could save your life.

It’s important to make a distinction between erection and orgasm. Erection I will define here as filling of the erectile tissue regardless of gender. Orgasm, on the other hand, is a reflex response to sustained stimulation. Erection and orgasm are very different, but related. In many cases, people with impaired erectile capacity can still reach orgasm. They just don’t think they can because nobody told them to try. On the other hand, erection/engorgement feels good and increases enjoyment and arousal. Engorgement makes orgasm easier and more likely.

Most female-bodied people aren’t really aware of their clitoral engorgement; it is harder to notice and comes and goes more than for males. While male-bodied people are very conscious of their erections, female-bodied people are more likely to notice the presence or absence of an easier-to-spot sign: orgasm.  While engorgement necessarily involves blood vessels, diminished or absent orgasm has dozens of causes.

Engorgement works very similarly between all genders and sexes. We all need healthy blood vessels for the blood to make it to the erectile tissue. So I’d say a woman in midlife might well experience a lack of ENGORGEMENT due to arterial damage. She might then face more difficulty noticing feelings of arousal (some of which are related to the engorgement itself) and thereby more difficulty reaching orgasm.

Heart attack is the leading cause of death for women. It’s diagnosed much later than with men, and with a much lower survival rate. If you notice changes in your arousal patterns, see a doctor. Better safe than sorry.


  • Start to notice signs of engorgement in the vulva and clitoris
  • Regardless of gender and sex parts, take lack of engorgement seriously
  • Since orgasm and engorgement are related, lack of orgasm could hypothetically be the first sign a female-bodied person notices that could be related to coronary artery disease.
  • Orgasm is possible without engorgement/erection. So keep on trying while you wait for your appointment with your cardiologist.

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