It’s no secret that loss of attraction creates some extremely challenging dynamics.

Recently, I asked hundreds of therapists what they find most challenging about working with loss of attraction. 

I learned a lot about exactly what makes these cases so difficult. The raw pain that radiates off these clients can be overwhelming. One partner feels trapped, resentful, and maybe even repulsed. The other is feeling deeply hurt, pressured, and rejected. How can we stay steady and make progress in the midst of all the pain, confusion, and complicating factors? How can we guide our clients in the right direction if we’re not sure restoring attraction is even possible? 

Even worse, what about when one partner has lost their attraction, but they’re not being honest about it – leaving you afraid that an honest discussion will become the death knell of the relationship? What’s a therapist to do? 

If you feel this way, you’re not alone. 

Have you seen clients who are still so stuck, because of a past betrayal or disillusionment, that they can’t acknowledge anything positive about their partner, especially sexiness? 

What about those clients who see the whole issue as being about their partner–like the ones who say that they’ve lost attraction due to their partner’s weight gain, and now they’re badgering them to go to the gym? 

What about those clients who want to roll back the clock to the first days of the relationship, and feel heartbroken that their partner doesn’t look at them the way they did during the honeymoon phase? 

Here's the truth: Restoring attraction is actually possible.

Clients come to us dispirited and disempowered. They believe attraction is out of their control–and a lot of the time, we may believe it too. But it’s not. 

Once I realized this, I started to figure out what was blocking attraction, and how those blocks could be removed. I could finally say to my clients, “Yes, attraction can come back. Here’s the step-by-step plan.”

The progress I saw was unbelievable. All of a sudden, attraction stopped feeling so mysterious and uncontrollable. My clients felt empowered to choose to see their partner in a new light–and attraction was reborn. 

I developed a roadmap to restoring attraction.

And once I saw how effective it was,

I knew it had to be shared. 

My name is Martha Kauppi. As an educator and AASECT-certified sex therapist, I’ve devoted my career to helping therapists, coaches, and other helping professionals build the skills they need to work effectively with sex issues and complicated relationship dynamics. I’ve trained thousands of therapists all around the world.

When I find something that works, I want to share it. That’s why I’ve put together this seriously powerful webinar.

In this training, you will…

  1. Watch me roleplay early treatment, and see how I talk to a client with a lack of attraction to get off on the right foot from the very start 
  2. Discover 4 essential skills you can use right away to work effectively with loss of attraction, regardless of your background or certifications 
  3. Understand how to work with tricky situations like complaints about weight, aging, and hygiene without shaming or alienating either partner
  4. Absorb 2 in-depth training videos - the webinar itself, AND a brand-new video walkthrough of my step-by-step treatment plan for restoring attraction
  5. Get 4.5 AASECT CEUS, following successful completion of a learning assessment*

You’ll walk away with at least one strategy you can use in your very next session. That’s a guarantee. 

Buy Now $175

BONUS: Restoring Attraction Treatment Plan:

My mentors are always telling me to stop doing extra work, and maybe someday I’ll listen. But in the meantime, this bonus alone is worth the price of admission. 

It’s seriously robust. With the 7 steps I’m sharing, you will be able to help your clients:

  • Identify self-motivated goals related to restoring attraction 
  • Understand–and remove–negative cultural introjects that inhibit attraction
  • Rewire the way they see their partner to facilitate positive change
  • Engage in a change process towards restoring attraction

Get my comprehensive roadmap to making real progress with loss of attraction. I'll even walk you through how to apply it, step-by-step, in a brand-new video I recorded to ensure that you'll be able to put the treatment plan to work right away.

What People Are Saying

I am an old, sometimes cranky, sex therapist who typically gets bored in trainings, but this webinar was fantastic! I found so many take-aways, and I am motivated to use these techniques in my therapy sessions right away. This training fits nicely with my long-time use of David Schnarch and Ester Perel's theories and work. Thank you, Martha. I am so glad I attended!

Marne Wine, LPC, CST - Littleton, CO

Martha presents therapeutic strategies for loss of attraction in an easily digestible way. She offers techniques to approach and work process with this topic using clear examples and generous resources. I greatly appreciate the knowledge she shared.

Paula Dennan, Clinical Psychologist - Aukland, NZ

Martha continually offers the most accessible and applicable training to therapists. Her leadership, teaching, and mentorship help me to be a better therapist; she is always in the room with me. I have so much heartfelt gratitude for her presence, her gifts, and her generous spirit. This is a very meaningful training!

Grenda David, MBA, MA, LMFT - Camarillo, CA

Buy Now $175

*This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 4.5 CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification.