Assessing and Treating Sex Issues In Psychotherapy (ATSIP)

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Are you comfortable, competent, and confident working with sex issues in therapy?


If not, I can help.

I'm Martha Kauppi—an AASECT-certified sex therapist and supervisor, a former midwife, and a lifelong educator whose private practice specializes in the intersection of sex and relational issues. I am a senior trainer of the Bader/Pearson Developmental Model of Couples Therapy, which incorporates concepts of attachment, differentiation, and neuroscience.

Thousands of therapists have taken my courses, attended my talks, or been in consulting groups with me. I’ve worked with generalists who had never discussed sex with clients before, as well as with experienced sex therapists looking for new ways to conceptualize and work with sex issues. 

Students at every level have seen this course make a difference in their therapy practices and even in their personal lives. You’ll be able to serve your existing clients more effectively and feel confident taking on new clients you might have referred before. Your clients will deeply appreciate your ability to identify a sex issue and address it directly.

I’ve spent my career as a therapist pursuing a deep understanding of the intersections between sexuality, physiology, and relational dynamics. I’ve created this course to serve as a fusion of the best resources and strategies I’ve foundso that you don’t have to spend years sifting through everything that’s out there. 

In just the first 40 minutes, you’ll walk away with skills that will make a difference in your very next session.

You’ll know exactly what questions to ask to raise the topic of sex, put your clients at ease, and feel confident guiding the conversation. You will know how to quickly sort through interconnected symptoms and get to the heart of any common sex issue.

Imagine being able to:

  • Comfortably open the conversation about sex with every client
  • Construct a roadmap to continue the conversation with confidence, no matter which sex issues are presenting
  • Quickly distinguish between the physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual components of sex issues and craft an effective treatment plan that prioritizes the most pressing issues

And if you’re already experienced working with sex issues, you’ll pick up serious relational therapy skills, plus a new way of tackling sex issues that combines key insights about anatomy and physiology with a deep understanding of relational dynamics.

Struggling with a particularly tough case? As soon as you sign up, you’ll have access to consultation with me and my team of brilliant teaching assistants. Simply post a case description in our private forum, and one of us will get back to you with targeted advice, so you can make progress right away.

Everyone experiences a sex-related challenge at some point in their lives, and most don’t need a specialist: they need you! Your clients need you to be able to discuss sex issues with competence, confidence, and comfort.

ATSIP includes:

  • 10 learning modules immediately upon sign-up. No matter what kind of case you’re working with, you’ll have all my strategies and interventions at your fingertips, exactly when you need them.
  • 10 live meetings, during which I’ll answer your questions live, break down cases, and show you exactly how to apply the techniques we’ll be covering in the course. All of the meetings will be recorded, so you can learn from all of them, even those you are not able to attend in person.
  • An option to participate in small study groups, so you won’t feel alone as you venture into this new territory.
  • Unlimited consultation for your toughest cases from me and my team of brilliant teaching assistants. We’ve got your back as you put the material into practice. 
  • A fully vetted and annotated resource list, to save you time and money when you need to dive deeper into a particular subject.
  • 26.5 CE credits, following successful completion of a course evaluation and post test, approved for…
    • AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists)*
    • APA (American Psychological Association)
    • ASWB (Association of Social Work Boards)
    • New York social workers, counselors, and psychologists
    • IPCE (Interprofessional Continuing Education)
    • ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center)
    • AMA (American Medical Association) PRA Category 1 
  • A certificate of completion, suitable for framing, and a detailed syllabus that you can use to apply for CEUs with your professional organization.  
  • Upon completion of the course, you will have the option to be listed as a sex-aware therapist, coach, or other provider in the Provider Locator on my website. The Provider Locator is a tool to help clients and therapists find you, and only practitioners who have completed Assessing and Treating Sex Issues in Psychotherapy are invited to join.

That’s not all! Get 2 bonus mini-courses when you sign up for ATSIP:

  • Bonus mini-course: Wondering about kink? Porn? Queer identity? Sex and aging? Sex and neurodivergence? The impact of racism on sexuality? Get your questions answered by leaders in the field in Hearing from the Experts, an exclusive mini-course just for ATSIP students. Watch the video interviews and download the audio files and transcripts to keep forever! We have 39 expert interviews and add more every year. Students in this  session will get the chance to join live for this year’s expert interviews.
  • Bonus mini-course: Previous Years’ Case Content: We’ve gathered the accumulated wisdom of all past sessions for your benefit. Browse an extensive and searchable library of anonymized case discussions and videoconference audios from previous years. No matter what challenges you’re dealing with in your practice, you’ll find something here to help.

*This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 26.5 CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification.

Course Outline

Assessing and Treating Sex Issues in Psychotherapy—Level 1

PLUS: You’ll get access to my Interviews with Experts Series

Have you struggled to work with thorny issues like out-of-control sexual behavior, partner conflict around porn use, or loss of sexual desire with midlife? Do you have questions about racism and sexuality, the role of fantasy, or queer sexuality? Get the straight talk on these issues and many more directly from top leaders in the field like Doug Braun-Harvey, Justin Lehmiller, James Wadley, and Lucie Fielding.

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What People Are Saying

The reason I did this course is that we don’t talk about these issues, not even in therapy. Sex issues are a normal part of who we are but a lot of it stays hidden. I wanted to make a difference, to be comfortable talking about sex issues so clients have a safe space and someone with some knowledge to talk to. 

The way Martha delivered the course worked perfectly for me. There’s a lot of audio that I could listen to (I do a long commute everyday) and then you can keep replaying it and keep learning. I really liked the expert interviews. The mix of theory and real cases was fantastic and the way she presents her tools was easy to grasp. I believed in what she presented and trusted her knowledge.

I learned in a way that made me confident and excited to take the material into client sessions. A real highlight for me was to invite clients to talk about sex issues right in the beginning of a session. 

Completing the course ignited the desire in me to do couples work again, to do that work in a different way. It’s lovely to feel that again, to feel confident and secure with the backdrop of knowing that I can trust the information that I have. 

Grace Kydd, ACC Registered Counsellor, New Zealand

I have not seen another sexuality course as good as this... I have not seen one that is as in-depth, approachable, supportive, and community-minded as Martha's course.

It's the best value out there.

Sarah Pattee, LMFT, Portland, OR

Martha's course is one of the best courses I've ever done, by far. Everything that Martha promised, she delivered, and over-delivered.

I believe everyone can use this. It can be used by anyone. Anyone, anytime.

Rovena Magidin, Clinical Counselor, Calgary, AB, Canada

Martha's ATSIP course has impacted my professional development by really giving me the confidence to talk directly about issues around sex and intimacy. So, I'm much quicker to initiate conversations around it, and feel more confident in hearing anything that's going to unfold after I ask that question. 

Lou Crosby, Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Peterborough, UK

The thing that makes this course special, and the thing that makes Martha special, is not only is she an expert, but she is an expert who knows how to translate her expertise to those who she is supporting. Not only does she know how to translate that expertise, she also is masterful in advocating for you to believe that you are capable of comfortably integrating the knowledge.

K. Skye Henry Smith, MSW, LCSW, Doctor of Human Sexuality, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist

Martha made herself so available for us… her very calm and matter-of-fact approach to this topic creates an openness and acceptance in the class environment I have seldom experienced with other teachers.

Alexa Elkington, MFT, Las Vegas, NV

Martha is a fantastic teacher. It was clear from the beginning how experienced she is.

Sarah Ludington, LPC, Denver CO

A no-holds-barred real life, real issues, real conversations look at intimacy struggles and how to engage couples who are entrenched in unsatisfying interactions with no way out.

Rev. Erich Moraine, Certified IFS practitioner, Milwaukee, WI

She’s the complete expert in what she does, and has a way of making complicated subjects really easy to understand.

Nancy St John, couples counselor, Ireland

Martha’s course material is excellent, and I can’t tell you how much I enjoy having access to quality information. I am asking my clients about sex more often, and am becoming more relaxed in my approach to it. I put a link to Sex Resources on my website’s homepage, and consequently, I am getting more clients who have issues pertaining to sexuality. It’s great!

Caron Smith, MSW, Victoria, Canada

Martha’s course is deeply informative, but also highly relatable for someone like myself without previous sex therapy training. I feel like I reference something that I learned in 80% of my sessions (and in my personal life, as well!)

Julie Gladnick, MA, LMFT, Denver, CO

Hi, Martha, I just wanted to let you know that I had my first ‘circular model of sex’ discussion with two men. If you had told me a year ago that I would do this, I would’ve said you were nuts. Thank you!!

CG, LMFT, Licensed in MN and WI

Consistently blown away by the wealth of knowledge and accessibility of this course. 

I am an AASECT certified therapist, yet every session of this course exposed me to new material and expanded my understanding of familiar content. Martha is such a generous educator- truly invested in cultivating my successful engagement with clients! 

K. Skye Henry Smith, MSW, LCSW, Doctor of Human Sexuality, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist

I’m using what I learned with Martha every single time I do a workshop or a retreat…It’s truly making a difference for people.

Bri McCarroll, MSW, LICSW

Martha provides a very safe learning environment for what can be a sensitive subject. She not only explains why therapists should open the door to a dialogue about sexuality, but also provides an incredibly effective screening tool and information about what to do or ask, as many different scenarios unfold in sessions. As my knowledge base grew exponentially, I learned many ways to help my clients articulate what they want with regard to sex and how partners can express this to each other. Martha gives a tremendous amount of herself and her knowledge to the course and she is committed to each person’s learning and understanding. This is very clearly her passion.

Lauren Ostrowski, MA, LPC, NCC, DCC, CCTP, Pottstown, PA
Where do I even begin?! As a Sex Therapist who also specializes is in polyamorous relationships — being trained directly by Martha Kauppi and receiving her knowledge has been such a gift for me, and has developed my confidence considerably!  My training and education continue to evolve and expand on sex and intimacy matters that are specific, complex and require deeper examination. I’ve been a part of ATSIP Level 1 and 2 and will continue to be a part of this community for as long as possible. It’s become a community I count on when I’m feeling stuck or unsure; and knowing that I have a place to go for guidance is wonderful and comforting for my soul and mind. 
For those focusing on sex, intimacy and consensually non-monogamous relationships — and that are wanting to become strong and knowledgeable in their practice — I absolutely recommend all of Martha’s trainings and materials for clinicians. Oh and her book ‘Polyamory A Clinical Toolkit for Therapists’ is a MUST too! The bottom line is that for me — being a part of the Institute for Relational Intimacy has been beyond worth it and I have found it to be an invaluable support system as a Sex & Intimate Relationships Therapist. 

Fox Eros M., M.A., AMFT

This is one of the most important and relevant courses I have taken post grad. I love being in Martha's ongoing consultation group, and highly recommend her to every therapist I know.

Nicolette Sweeney Willard, M.A., LMFT
Martha’s course has been strikingly different than most of the courses I have taken in the area of psychotherapy. What stands out for me is her presence. She is there for us, always welcoming and accepting of us as learners and at the same time, she treats us as accomplished therapists. In Martha’s videoconferences, I find that each participant is challenged to go deeper in exploring areas of difficulty in their cases for Martha provides such a supportive environment. Simultaneously, she never loses her prodding edge. She offers relevant information on how couples inadvertently block their path to sexual pleasure in such an authentic manner. It’s not that the interventions presented are all new, ie, the dual control model with the images of accelerator/brakes. Rather it’s the fresh approach Martha offers, the many examples from her own case load and cases from her students, the specifics and uniqueness of each case that allows the teaching to be internalized so thoroughly. Clients are led to believe they are not “problems” to be solved and fixed. Martha works to dissolve the myth of abnormality and points to how issues are multi-determined and contextual. I will greatly miss her, the staff and the participants when the course is over.

Dorothy Marks, LCSW-R

This is the most amazing course, and course material, that I have ever been exposed to! This far exceeded my 2 years of training at UCLA in Sex Therapy and Advanced Sex Therapy with an internship at NPI. I have never seen a support team for a trainer be so responsive, well-trained, and working in sync with Martha. I am deeply moved by how extensive the material is, how on top of things Martha is, and by her burning desire to have our learning experience be the best it can be. She is wildly responsive to everyone’s questions, concerns and curiosities.

Martha, you are absolutely amazing; you have given so much of yourself and your knowledge to us, while also maintaining a relaxed and nonjudgmental style of teaching. I have never had a learning experience like this before. I am blown away!

Joan Salat, LCSW

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Money-back guarantee

Nobody should pay for something they feel isn’t benefiting them. If at any time during the first 30 days of the course you feel you are not becoming more effective, knowledgeable, and comfortable talking about sex effectively with your clients, I will happily give you a full refund, no questions asked.